Matthew 1

Today's the day to start reading the New Testament every day. The schedule will be posted every Sunday (see last Sunday's post). It only takes 1.5 pages of reading a day to finish the whole New Testament in a school year.  I would love to see every student read the whole New Testament 4 times this year. (But I'll be thrilled if everyone gets through it at least once). Here's how to do it:

1) Use the blog for you individual reading schedule. Really take time to study, ponder, and pray on your own. Mark important verses and ideas so you can find them later to discuss in class.
2) Use this schedule to invite your family to read along with you.  Talk with them about what you are reading and discuss questions that come up. This could be a great part of your family scripture study,
3) Reread or skim the chapters again the night before the lesson on that chapter will taught in class so they are fresh on your mind and you can help with the class discussion.  I will posting discussion questions and quotes daily on the blog so you know what to study.
4) Read and discuss the lesson when we get to it as a class.

This is just one way to approach reading the New Testament and it is just a suggestion.   Over time you will come up with the way that works best for you and your family.

Today read MATTHEW chapter 1.  Merry Christmas!