Scripture Marking


Sister Cordon, general young women president, tells the story of a young woman named Hope, who had been rejected by her adopted family.  She was 17 and was struggling to know who she was.  One day as Sister Cordon was visiting with her, Hope said, "I just wish the Lord would talk to me.  I just want to hear the voice of the Lord." Sister Cordon responded,
"Hope, do you know? I hear the voice of the Lord every day." 
Her eyes big with surprise, Hope said, "What?! How do you do that?"
Sister Cordon asked, "Do you want me to show you how?"
Sister Cordon asked if she had some scriptures. It took some time to find a Bible and a Book of Mormon, but when Hope had her scriptures, they began to read together in the beginning of the Book of Mormon and Sister Cordon said,
"As you read, things will stand out to you and that's impressions, that's revelation.  So, as you have desires to underline, do that." 
Hope was surprised at first that she could mark a book, but Sister Cordon assured her it was okay and encouraged her to write down impressions she had while she was reading even if it wasn't about what she had been reading.  She encouraged Hope to continue reading her scriptures and she left.  By the next day, Hope had read ten chapters and sent a simple message to Sister Cordon, "Tell Sister Cordon that I have heard the voice of the Lord." (From the Latter-day Saint Women Podcast, Dec 2019)

Can it be that simple?  Read, mark, underline, write down impressions=hear the voice of the Lord?  Yes!  And here are some suggestions to help you use the resources in Gospel Library to help you #HearHim every day.

THE GODHEAD: Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost (Yellow:Light and truth come from the Godhead)
THE PLAN OF SALVATION: Premortal life, Creation, The Fall, Mortal Life, Life after death. (Dark blue:Earth is mostly blue)
THE ATONEMENT OF JESUS CHRIST:          His part/ Our part:faith/repentance (Red:Christ’s blood saves us)
THE RESTORATION: Dispensations, Apostasy, Restoration (Green:Return to life, the Restoration is a return of spiritual life)
PROPHETS AND REVELATION (Purple:Prophets starts with P)
PRIESTHOOD AND PRIESTHOOD KEYS (Brown: The Priesthood serves, you get your hands dirty when you serve)
ORDINANCES AND COVENANTS (Orange:Ordinances starts like Orange)
COMMANDMENTS: Thou shalt/Thou shalt not (Light Red (pink): What to DO and NOT do—like a stop sign—in order to access the blessings of the Atonement)

--> ACQUIRING SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE (Helps us sort out the gray areas: truth from lies, black from white) You can also underline truths we need to know about Satan in order to beat him.