D&C 133:36-74

Reading for class on Wednesday, April 24: D&C 133:36-74

How can I prepare for Jesus Christ's Second Coming?

Mark your reading in the app when you are done or online at https://myseminary.lds.org/

Additional reading to enhance your study:

SCRIPTURE STUDY ENABLES US TO HEAR THE VOICE OF THE LORD – There are certain blessings that attend the study of the scriptures which are denied those whose studies and interests are in different fields. It is the study of the scriptures that enables men to receive revelations for themselves…. There is [a] way to hear the voice of the Lord, and, almost universally, it should be our first approach in seeking revelation…. If the Spirit bears witness to us of the truth of the scriptures, then we are receiving the doctrines in them as though they had come to us directly. Thus, we can testify that we have heard His voice and know His words. Let us now highly resolve that we will search the scriptures and make them a part of all that we do. (Bruce R. McConkie, New Era, Dec. 1985, 12-13)

2 Nephi 6:13-17