D&C 133:1-35***

Reading for class on Tuesday, April 23: D&C 133:1-35

Click here to link to the learning activity: 
How can I prepare for Jesus Christ's Second Coming?

Mark your reading in the app when you are done or online at https://myseminary.lds.org/

Additional reading to enhance your study:

SCRIPTURE STUDY HELPS DEVELOP A “SPIRITUAL MEMORY” IN THOSE WHO READ - “The holy scriptures represent mankind's spiritual memory. And when man's connection with scripture is severed, mortals are tragically deprived of an awareness of spiritual history, blinding the eyes of faith. Thereby shorn of true identity, mortals keep their legs intact, but each walks in his own way. Their arms are acquisitive, but do not reach out in an understanding embrace of life. Their ears function, but they no longer hear the word of the Lord. Though created in God's image, those thus severed soon forget their Maker.” (Neal A. Maxwell, “God Will Yet Reveal,” Ensign, Nov. 1986, 52)

Alma 5:50; Mormon 9:2; 2 Nephi 30:10