The Atonement of Jesus Christ Part 3
Reading for class on Thur 11/15: DM Core Document: The Atonement of Jesus Christ
Click here to reread the Plan of Salvation section in the Core Document. Study paragraphs 3.1-3.10 and look for something new and ponder on it.
Play Quizizz for Prizizz.
During November it's class vs. class. The class with the most completed quizizz attempts each week will qualify for the prizizz.
Go to and enter GAMECODE 818741 to play. Use your real name and include H+your class in your name (H1= Hugh 1st period)
Find cross-references for D&C 19:16-19 and then memorize your favorite part. Make sure you have it marked in your paper and your electronic scriptures.
Additional reading to enhance your study:
Alma 42:23-31