D&C 45:1-59

Reading for class on Mon 11/19: D&C 45:1-59

How can knowing about the signs of the Second Coming bring peace and dispel fear?

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Additional reading to enhance your study:

SCRIPTURE STUDY COMPARED TO A CELESTIAL COMPASS - When was the last time we checked our 'celestial compass' to see if we are still on course?…. When we fail to search the scriptures, we may find ourselves going the wrong way on a one-way highway…. Schedule a time to search the scriptures daily. Scripture study is such an essential part of our 'spiritual nourishment' that we must take time and make it a priority in our daily schedule. Our spirits should never be deprived of the much-needed 'spiritual nourishment' which comes from scripture study. Without this 'spiritual food', our spirits become starved and weakened to temptation. (L. Lionel Kendrick, Conf. Report, April 1993, p. 13,15)

3 Nephi 9:12-18