Ether 7-11

Reading for class on Tuesday: Ether 7-11

Learning Activities:

Though the brother of Jared prophesied that establishing a Jaredite king would lead to captivity, his words were not immediately fulfilled. The first Jaredite king, Orihah, ruled in righteousness. However, a man named Jared became king two generations later by forming a secret combination. During the reigns of their kings, the Jaredites went through several cycles of listening to the prophets and living in righteousness, and rejecting the prophets and living in wickedness.

2) What lessons about sin and addiction could we learn from the stories of ward and captivity in these chapters?

3)Read over the following list: music you listen to, thoughts you entertain, how you act in school, movies you watch, your dating behavior, activities you do with your friends, what you do when no one else is around. Why might someone who is engaged in wicked behavior want to hide how they participate in one or more of these activities from their friends, parents, or leaders? What is the danger of engaging in unrighteous secret activities? What do these chapters teach to help us be more open and honest about our behavior?

4) What are the consequences of rejecting living prophets?

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Commentary and Background Information

Ether 7:23–27; 9:28–31 Prophets and their messages are frequently rejected

Why do prophets proclaim messages that are unpopular with many people in the world? Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained:

Elder Robert D. Hales
“Prophets must often warn of the consequences of violating God’s laws. They do not preach that which is popular with the world. …

“Why do prophets proclaim unpopular commandments and call society to repentance for rejecting, modifying, and even ignoring the commandments? The reason is very simple. Upon receiving revelation, prophets have no choice but to proclaim and reaffirm that which God has given them to tell the world” (Robert D. Hales, “If Thou Wilt Enter into Life, Keep the Commandments,” Ensign, May 1996, 37).

While serving as a member of the Presidency of the Seventy, Elder L. Aldin Porter taught:

Elder L. Aldin Porter
“Some complain that when the prophets speak with clarity and firmness that they are taking our agency away. We are still free to choose. But we must accept the consequences of those decisions. The prophets do not take away our agency. They simply warn us of what the consequences of our choices will be. How foolish to fault the prophets for their warnings” (L. Aldin Porter, “Our Destiny,” Ensign, Nov. 1999, 66).

Righteous VS. wicked
Read the verses next to each King's name and make a list of righteous vs. wicked kings?  What do you learn from your list?
Coriantum (Ether 9:21–24)
Riplakish (Ether 10:4–8)
Morianton (Ether 10:9–13)
Shiblom (Ether 11:4–9)
Ahah (Ether 11:10)
Coriantor (Ether 11:18–23)

Book of Mormon Central has done five articles about topics in these chapters.  Click on the links below to learn more or go to: