Ether 13-15

Reading for Class on Friday, May 11: Ether 13-15

Learning Activities:

The prophet Ether prophesied of the New Jerusalem. He also warned Coriantumr, a Jaredite king, that his people would be destroyed because of wickedness, and he admonished Coriantumr and his household to repent. When Coriantumr and the people refused to repent, war and wickedness escalated for many years until the entire Jaredite nation was destroyed. Only Ether and Coriantumr survived to witness the fulfillment of Ether’s prophecy.

2)Read Ether 13:2–8. The Lord revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith that the New Jerusalem identified in Ether 13:6 would be built in Jackson County, Missouri, USA (see D&C 57:1–4; 84:1–4). What did Ether say about these cities in Ether 13:3, 5? Ponder what it would be like to live in a city like that. Study Ether 13:10–11 to learn what someone must experience in order to live in the holy cities of the New Jerusalem and Jerusalem of old (which will be holy when it is rebuilt unto the Lord; see Ether 13:5).

Another name for the New Jerusalem is Zion (see Moses 7:62; Articles of Faith 1:10). While we may not live in Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem, all members of the Church can be seeking to establish Zion. We can prepare to dwell in holy places, including the celestial kingdom of God, as we become clean through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

3) What verses and stories in Ether 13-15 verify this truth:If we reject the Lord’s warnings to repent, His Spirit withdraws and Satan gains power over our hearts.

4)Reflect upon the following statement from Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: 
“I testify that the Savior is able and eager to forgive our sins. Except for the sins of those few who choose perdition after having known a fulness, there is no sin that cannot be forgiven. What a marvelous privilege for each of us to turn away from our sins and to come unto Christ. Divine forgiveness is one of the sweetest fruits of the gospel, removing guilt and pain from our hearts and replacing them with joy and peace of conscience” (“Repent … That I May Heal You,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2009, 40–41).

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Ether 13:3–5. The New Jerusalem and the Jerusalem of old

Elder Bruce R. McConkie (1915–1985) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught about the New Jerusalem and the city of Jerusalem built anciently:

“To envision what is meant by [New Jerusalem], we must know these five facts:

“1. Ancient Jerusalem, the city of much of our Lord’s personal ministry among men, shall be rebuilt in the last days and become one of the two great world capitals, a millennial city from which the word of the Lord shall go forth.

“2. A New Jerusalem, a new Zion, a city of God shall be built on the American continent.

“3. Enoch’s city, the original Zion, ‘the City of Holiness, … was taken up into heaven.’ (Moses 7:13–21.)

“4. Enoch’s city, with its translated inhabitants now in their resurrected state, shall return, as a New Jerusalem, to join with the city of the same name which has been built upon the American continent.

“5. When this earth becomes a celestial sphere ‘that great city, the holy Jerusalem,’ shall again descend ‘out of heaven from God,’ as this earth becomes the abode of celestial beings forever. (Rev. 21:10–27.)” (Bruce R. McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary [1973], 3:580–81).

Ether 13:2–4, 6. Where will the New Jerusalem be built?

The Lord revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith that in the last days, the New Jerusalem will be built in the United States, in Jackson County, Missouri (see D&C 57:1–4; 84:1–4). Elder Bruce R. McConkie (1915–1985) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained the relationship between the current gathering of members of the Church and the eventual establishment of the New Jerusalem:

Elder Bruce R. McConkie

“Let Israel gather to the stakes of Zion in all nations. Let every land be a Zion to those appointed to dwell there. Let the fulness of the gospel be for all the saints in all nations. Let no blessing be denied them. Let temples arise wherein the fulness of the ordinances of the Lord’s house may be administered. But still there is a center place, a place where the chief temple shall stand, a place to which the Lord shall come. … And that center place is what men now call Independence in Jackson County, Missouri, but which in a day to come will be the Zion of our God and the City of Holiness of his people” (Bruce R. McConkie, A New Witness for the Articles of Faith [1985], 595).

Ether 13:1–12. The New Jerusalem

Elder D. Todd Christofferson

“Zion is Zion because of the character, attributes, and faithfulness of her citizens. Remember, ‘the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them’ (Moses 7:18). If we would establish Zion in our homes, branches, wards, and stakes, we must rise to this standard. It will be necessary (1) to become unified in one heart and one mind; (2) to become, individually and collectively, a holy people; and (3) to care for the poor and needy with such effectiveness that we eliminate poverty among us” (D. Todd Christofferson, “Come to Zion,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2008, 38).