Helaman 5

Reading Assignment for Tuesday: Helaman 5

Learning Activities:

1) Introduction
The Nephites continued in wickedness until the majority of them chose evil rather than righteousness. Inspired by the words of their father, Nephi and Lehi devoted themselves to preaching the gospel. Their father, Helaman, had taught them about the importance of building their lives on the foundation of the Savior. After teaching the Nephites, Lehi and Nephi preached to the Lamanites and were thrown into prison. After the Lord miraculously delivered Nephi and Lehi from prison, the majority of the Lamanites converted to the gospel.
2) What is so significant about the word "remember"?  How many times is it mentioned in this chapter? (mark it each time you find it)
Read the following statement from President Spencer W. Kimball and think about why remember is such an important word when we are trying to live the gospel: “When you look in the dictionary for the most important word, do you know what it is? It could be remember. Because all of you have made covenants—you know what to do and you know how to do it—our greatest need is to remember” (“Circles of Exaltation” [address to Church Educational System religious educators, June 28, 1968], 5).
3) Read Helaman 5:12, looking for phrases that support this principle: If we build our foundation on Jesus Christ, Satan will have no power over us. (Helaman 5:12 is a doctrinal mastery verse. You may want to mark it in a distinctive way so you can locate it in the future.)
4) Helaman 5:14-52 tells of a great and miraculous experience among the Lamanites.  In this experience the cloud of darkness can represent sin and the pillar of fire encircling each person can represent the Holy Ghost.
Review verses 28 and 34, and look for how the people felt when they were in the cloud of darkness:
Review verses 43 and 44, and look for how the people felt when they were encircled by the pillar of fire:
Review verses 41 and 42, and look for what the people did to remove the cloud of darkness, or in other words, to repent of their sins:
Read Helaman 5:45–47, and ponder what truths you learn about repentance from this experience. One principle is: When we exercise faith in Jesus Christ and repent of our sins, the Holy Ghost fills our hearts with peace and joy.

Want more?

Read Helaman 5:12, and identify words that suggest visual images to you (for example, rock, foundation, wind, hail, storm). To help you memorize this verse, take a piece of paper and write on it the first letter of each word in the verse, unless a word suggests a visual image. Then, in place of a letter, draw a simple picture representing that word. Practice reciting the verse using only your piece of paper. Place your paper somewhere you will see it often to help you remember the truths in this verse.

Helaman 5:12. How can we withstand the “mighty winds” of the adversary?

President Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985) taught that we must cling to the gospel of Jesus Christ when the adversary unleashes his forces against us:
President Spencer W. Kimball
“We, too, are faced with powerful, destructive forces unleashed by the adversary. Waves of sin, wickedness, immorality, degradation, tyranny, deceitfulness, conspiracy, and dishonesty threaten all of us. They come with great power and speed and will destroy us if we are not watchful.
“But a warning is sounded for us. It behooves us to be alert and to listen and flee from the evil for our eternal lives. Without help we cannot stand against it. We must flee to high ground or cling fast to that which can keep us from being swept away. That to which we must cling for safety is the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is our protection from whatever force the evil one can muster. An inspired Book of Mormon prophet counseled his people: ‘Remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo’ (Hel. 5:12)” (Spencer W. Kimball, “Hold Fast to the Iron Rod,” Ensign, Nov. 1978, 6).

Helaman 5:12. “It is upon the rock of our Redeemer … that ye must build your foundation”

Read this quote from Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. LOOK FOR what Elder Bednar said we can do to build our foundation upon Jesus Christ.
Elder David A. Bednar
“Ordinances and covenants are the building blocks we use to construct our lives upon the foundation of Christ and His Atonement. We are connected securely to and with the Savior as we worthily receive ordinances and enter into covenants, faithfully remember and honor those sacred commitments, and do our best to live in accordance with the obligations we have accepted. And that bond is the source of spiritual strength and stability in all of the seasons of our lives” (David A. Bednar, “Therefore They Hushed Their Fears,”Ensign or Liahona, May 2015, 48).