Helaman 10

Reading Assignment: Helaman 10

Learning Activities:
1) Pondering the things of the Lord prepares us to receive revelation.
Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained:

“Revelations are conveyed in a variety of ways, including, for example, dreams, visions, conversations with heavenly messengers, and inspiration. Some revelations are received immediately and intensely; some are recognized gradually and subtly. …

“… Most frequently, revelation comes in small increments over time and is granted according to our desire, worthiness, and preparation. Such communications from Heavenly Father gradually and gently ‘distil upon [our souls] as the dews from heaven’ (D&C 121:45). This pattern of revelation tends to be more common than rare and is evident in the experiences of Nephi as he tried several different approaches before successfully obtaining the plates of brass from Laban (see 1 Nephi 3–4). …

“… The fundamental truths of the restored gospel were not delivered to the Prophet Joseph Smith all at once in the Sacred Grove. These priceless treasures were revealed as circumstances warranted and as the timing was right.

“President Joseph F. Smith explained how this pattern of revelation occurred in his life: ‘As a boy … I would frequently … ask the Lord to show me some marvelous thing, in order that I might receive a testimony. But the Lord withheld marvels from me, and showed me the truth, line upon line … , until He made me to know the truth from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, and until doubt and fear had been absolutely purged from me. …’ (in Conference Report, Apr. 1900, 40–41).

“We as members of the Church tend to emphasize marvelous and dramatic spiritual manifestations so much that we may fail to appreciate and may even overlook the customary pattern by which the Holy Ghost accomplishes His work” (“The Spirit of Revelation,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2011, 88).

2) Helaman 10:7
President Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:
President Russell M. Nelson
“Temples, ordinances, covenants, endowments, and sealings have been restored, precisely as prophesied. Ordinances of the temple provide for reconciliation with the Lord and seal families together forever. Obedience to the sacred covenants made in temples qualifies us for eternal life—the greatest gift of God to man [see Doctrine and Covenants 14:7]” (Russell M. Nelson, “Prepare for the Blessings of the Temple,” Ensign, Oct. 2010, 42).

3) Helaman 10:7–10. Video presentation—“The Sealing Power”

Helaman 10:7–10. Video presentation—“The Sealing Power”