Alma 31

Assigned reading for class on Fri. Feb 2: Alma 31

Learning Activities:

1. Introduction

Alma learned that a group of Nephite dissenters called the Zoramites had strayed from the truth of the gospel and “were perverting the ways of the Lord” (Alma 31:1). Saddened by these reports of wickedness, Alma took a group of missionaries to teach the word of God to the Zoramites. Alma and his companions observed the Zoramites’ apostate worship, materialism, and pride. Alma prayed earnestly that the Lord would comfort him and his companions as they faced this challenge and that they would have success in bringing the Zoramites back to the Lord.
2. As you read, look for truths you can learn from how Alma and several others tried to help a group of people who had strayed from the gospel.
3. Read and ponder Alma 31:5 then add this quote to your scriptures.  “True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior” (Boyd K. Packer, “Little Children,” Ensign, Nov. 1986, 17).
Want more?  Check out this video before you read and look for ways it relates to this chapter.