Alma 30

Assigned Reading for class on Thurs., Feb. 1: Alma 30

Learning Activities:

  1. Introduction: Following a great battle between the Nephites and the Lamanites, peace settled over the land. About two years later, a man named Korihor began to preach that God did not exist, that there would be no Christ, and that there was no sin. He reviled the leaders of the Church, claiming they were teaching foolish traditions. His false teachings led many people to commit serious sins. Korihor was brought before Alma, who testified of Jesus Christ and taught that all things testify of a Supreme Creator. Eventually Korihor was struck dumb by the power of God and was convinced of the truth. However, when he asked to have his voice restored to him, Alma denied his request, saying that he would teach false doctrine again if he regained his voice. Korihor spent the rest of his life begging for food until he was trampled to death by a group of Nephite dissenters called the Zoramites.
  2. As you read this chapter, identify the FALSE TEACHINGS of Korihor and think about why they are dangerous and if people teach some of the same things today.
  3. What impresses you about how Alma responds to Korihor?  What is your favorite one-liner from Alma?
  4. Watch this video to help you with the story-line.