Mosiah 18

Reading Assignment for class on Thurs. Dec. 7: Mosiah 18

Learning Activity:

Why are we baptized and what promises do we make?

We know that Jesus was baptized and we know that we are also commanded to follow His example and be baptized, but have you ever wondered why we are commanded to be baptized? If the Holy Ghost is what actually cleanses us from sin, then why are we commanded to be baptized in water?
The Prophet Abinadi's teachings to Noah and his wicked priests in Mosiah 12-16 were not in vain. In fact, Abinadi's words form a turning point in Nephite history. Alma, one of Noah's priests believed Abinadi and after failing to save his life, he fled into the wilderness where he taught and baptized many people at the waters of Mormon.

Things to look for and ponder about:

  • Why are we baptized? (After marking what you find in this chapter, try cross-referencing to 2 Nephi 31:13 and Romans 6:3-6). 
  • What are the things we covenant when we are baptized?
  • What does God promise us?
  • What connections are there between baptism/baptismal covenants and the Sabbath Day? (Don't rush on this question. Spend some time sincerely seeking to learn as much as you can about this one—it'll be worth it!
  • Share what you learned about baptism with a friend or family member. No, really! Share the insights you just discovered with someone you care about! 🙂