Remember to Read Every Day!

Saturday and Sunday are "catch-up" days.  Please make sure you have read up to and through Mosiah 1 by Monday.  Our challenge for the next month is to give the Savior the gift of daily scripture reading for Christmas. 

If you are caught up, I would recommend a deep study on the following verses this weekend:

1. Omni 1:26

2. Also as you study Omni check out the interactive map of the Book of Mormon and see if you can figure out who is moving where in this chapter?

3. And you might want to check out this cool article/video/podcast to learn more about Coriantumr: Why was Coriantumr's Record Engraved on a "Large Stone"?

4. One final suggestion for your Sunday study:  Carefully read Omni 1:17 and look for the reason the Mulekites lost their faith and their language.  Look up Joshua 1:8 and link it to Omni 1:17, then do a topical search in your scriptures to see if you find any other verses that teach us why it is so important to read and study the scriptures.  Then find a favorite quote from the prophets about the importance of studying the scriptures.  This LINK may help you find a favorite quote.