
Reading Assignment for Class on Wed. Nov. 15: ENOS

As you read Enos' story, try to see yourself in it (liken it to yourself 1 Ne. 19:23)

  • What do you think Enos' soul hungered for?
  • What does that mean?
  • What does your soul hunger for?
  • When you are physically hungry, what are you willing to do to get food?  When you are spiritually hungry?
  • Notice that Enos did not wrestle with God but before God in prayer. Such wrestling involves a mental and spiritual struggle to show Heavenly Father the sincerity of our desires and our willingness to repent and make necessary changes in our lives.
  • What did Enos desire after he had been forgiven of his own sins?  What is the lesson for us?

Copy this quote into your scriptures:

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the First Presidency explained how our guilt can be swept away as we exercise faith in Jesus Christ and repent of our sins:

“Once we have truly repented, Christ will take away the burden of guilt for our sins. We can know for ourselves that we have been forgiven and made clean. The Holy Ghost will verify this to us; He is the Sanctifier. No other testimony of forgiveness can be greater. …

“[The Lord] declared, ‘Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more’ (D&C 58:42).

“Satan will try to make us believe that our sins are not forgiven because we can remember them. Satan is a liar; he tries to blur our vision and lead us away from the path of repentance and forgiveness. God did not promise that we would not remember our sins. Remembering will help us avoid making the same mistakes again. But if we stay true and faithful, the memory of our sins will be softened over time. This will be part of the needed healing and sanctification process” Ensign or Liahona, May 2007, 101).

Want More?

Check out this great article about Enos.  Watch the video, listen to the blog, read the article.
You can also check this one out to learn: Why Are Horses Mentioned in the Book of Mormon?