Jacob 5:1-51 (11/8)

Reading Assignment for class on Nov. 9: Jacob 5:1-51

Jacob 5 contains the allegory of the tame and wild olive trees, which was originally given by a prophet named Zenos. Jacob used this allegory to teach that the Lord is always working to bring salvation to His covenant people, even when they turn away from Him. The allegory shows that the Lord scattered portions of the house of Israel—His covenant people—throughout the earth and that He will gather His people in the latter days. The allegory has specific and personal application to us today as members of the house of Israel and servants of the Lord. 
In order to understand this allegory, you will need to know the interpretations of the symbols.  The following chart will help:
You might want to include this quote from Pres. Uchtdorf next to Jacob 5:7
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
“God loves you this very day and always.

“He is not waiting to love you until you have overcome your weaknesses and bad habits. He loves you today with a full understanding of your struggles. … He knows of your sufferings. He knows of your remorse for the times you have fallen short or failed. And still He loves you” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Living the Gospel Joyful,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2014, 123).

To understand this parable, you have to understand what grafting is.  Take some time to look it up.  This image may help: