Jacob 3-4 (11/7)

Reading Assignment for class on Nov. 8: Jacob 3-4

Learning Activity:

  1. Ponder Jacob 3:11–12, and summarize the message in your own words. (To summarize scriptures in your own words, seek to understand what the scriptures teach, and then think about, say, or write the message in a way that makes sense to you. Doing this can help you apply scriptural truths to your life. After summarizing a verse or verses, reread them to make sure your summary is true to the main point of the verse or verses.)
  2. Read Jacob 4:14, and identify characteristics of the people Jacob prophesied would look “beyond the mark.”
  3. You may want to write in your scriptures next to Jacob 4:14 that “the mark is Christ” (Neal A. Maxwell, “Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King,” Ensign, May 1976, 26). 
  4. Add a cross-reference to Philippians 3:14.
  5. The prophet Jacob was referring to the Jews who misunderstood the law of Moses and its intent to lead them to the Savior. Many of the Jews were looking for a different kind of deliverance than the kind Jesus, the Messiah, offered them—they were looking for deliverance from foreign rule and oppression.
  6. Questions to Ponder: What do you think it means to look beyond the mark (Jesus Christ)?  What attitudes and actions listed in Jacob 4:14 blinded the Jews and prevented them from accepting Jesus Christ? What might be some examples of looking beyond the mark, or failing to focus on the Savior, today?

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