2 Nephi 30-31 (11/1)

Reading Assignment for class on 11/2: 2 Nephi 30-31

As you read 2 Nephi 30, look for what the earth will be like during the Millennium. 

Read and ponder this quote: “We talk about Satan being bound. Satan will be bound by the power of God; but he will be bound also by the determination of the people of God not to listen to him, not to be governed by him.”(George Q. Cannon, in Conference Report, Oct. 1897, 65).

Nephi invites us to choose Christ, so does Pres. Benson: 
“I testify that as the forces of evil increase under Lucifer’s leadership and as the forces of good increase under the leadership of Jesus Christ, there will be growing battles between the two until the final confrontation. As the issues become clearer and more obvious, all mankind will eventually be required to align themselves either for the kingdom of God or for the kingdom of the devil. As these conflicts rage, either secretly or openly, the righteous will be tested. God’s wrath will soon shake the nations of the earth and will be poured out on the wicked without measure. (See JS—H 1:45; D&C 1:9.).” (Ezra Taft Benson, “I Testify,”Ensign, Nov. 1988, 87).

As you read 2 Nephi 31, look for the DOCTRINE OF CHRIST.  What is it?  What are the different parts?  Why is it so important?

“Sins are remitted not in the waters of baptism, as we say in speaking figuratively, but when we receive the Holy Ghost. … We become clean when we actually receive the fellowship and companionship of the Holy Ghost. It is then that sin and dross and evil are burned out of our souls as though by fire. The baptism of the Holy Ghost is the baptism of fire” Elder Bruce R. McConkie
(A New Witness for the Articles of Faith [1985], 290).

Pres. Eyring taught: “When [the Holy Ghost] is your companion, you can have confidence that the Atonement is working in your life. … Not only is your feeling the influence of the Holy Ghost a sign that the Atonement, the cure for sin, is working in your life, but you will also know that a preventative against sin is working” (Henry B. Eyring, “Come unto Christ” [Brigham Young University devotional, Oct. 29, 1989], speeches.byu.edu).