Want More? Satan's Playbook

Bonus Post: Beware, Satan doesn't play fair

2 Nephi 28 Satan’s Playbook

President Ezra Taft Benson:
“The Book of Mormon brings men to Christ through two basic means. First, it tells in a plain manner of Christ and his gospel. It testifies of his divinity and of the necessity for a Redeemer. . . .“ Second, the Book of Mormon exposes the enemies of Christ. It confounds false doctrines and lays down contention. . . . It fortifies the humble followers of Christ against the evil designs, strategies, and doctrines of the devil in our day.” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1975, 94; or Ensign, May 1975, 64 ; italics added).

Henry B. Eyring, To Draw Closer to God: A Collection of Discourses, p.64
 It is a bad estimate of your personal costs to believe that a choice to commit sin is made so free by the power of the Atonement that we can have painless forgiveness.  President Spencer W. Kimball said: To every forgiveness there is a condition. The plaster must be as wide as the sore. The fasting, the prayers, the humility must be equal to or greater than the sin. There must be a broken heart and a contrite spirit. There must be "sackcloth and ashes." There must be tears and genuine change of heart. There must be conviction of the sin, abandonment of the evil, confession of the error to properly constituted authorities of the Lord. There must be restitution and a confirmed, determined change of pace, direction and destination. Conditions must be controlled and companionship corrected or changed. There must be a washing of robes to get them white and there must be a new consecration and devotion to the living of all of the laws of God. In short, there must be an overcoming of self, of sin, and of the world. (The Miracle of Forgiveness, p. 353.)   That is not a description of an easy fix justifying a purposely flawed life. That is not a description of a "few stripes." How much better to choose to be good and to do it early, a long way upstream from the terrible effects of sin.   Upon hearing President Kimball's description of the effort repentance requires, those who are now in serious sin will have a thought delivered to their minds that goes something like this: "Well, if it is that difficult to repent, I might as well go on in sin. Later, when I need forgiveness, I'll just go through that once.  That is so unwise. Let me tell you why. First, people who postpone repentance may run out of time. And second, they will find more misery in more sin, not the happiness they hope for but can't find. Remember the warning from Samuel the Lamanite: "But behold, your days of probation are past; ye have procrastinated the day of your salvation until it is everlastingly too late, and your destruction is made sure; yea, for ye have sought all the days of your lives for that which ye could not obtain; and ye have sought for happiness in doing iniquity, which thing is contrary to the nature of that righteousness which is in our great and Eternal Head." (Helaman 13:38.)      

2 Nephi 28:8  “LIE A LITTLE”. President Gordon B. Hinckley (“Building Your Tabernacle,” Ensign, Nov. 1992, 52).
“Nephi so describes the people of his day, as he also describes so many of our day. How easy it is for us to say, ‘We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent.’ (A of F 1:13.) But how difficult for so many to resist the temptation to lie a little, cheat a little, steal a little, bear false witness in speaking in gossipy words about others. Rise above it. … Be strong in the simple virtue of honesty.”

“[One deception] is what some erroneously call ‘premeditated repentance.’ There is no such doctrine in this Church. This may sound subtly appealing, but it is in fact pernicious and a false concept. Its objective is to persuade us that we can consciously and deliberately transgress with the forethought that quick repentance will permit us to enjoy the full blessings of the gospel, such as temple blessings or a mission. True repentance can be a long, painful process. This foolish doctrine was foreseen by Nephi:
“‘And there shall also be many which shall say: Eat, drink, and be merry; nevertheless, fear God—he will justify in committing a little sin; … there is no harm in this; and do all these things, for tomorrow we die; and if it so be that we are guilty, God will beat us with a few stripes, and at last we shall be saved in the kingdom of God’ [2 Nephi 28:8].
“… All of our covenants must not only be received through ordinances but to be eternal must also be sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise. This divine stamp of approval is placed upon our ordinances and covenants only through faithfulness. The false idea of so-called premeditated repentance involves an element of deception, but the Holy Spirit of Promise cannot be deceived” (“The Enemy Within,” Ensign, Nov. 2000, 46).

2 Nephi 28:7-9 - SATAN HIDES THE AWFULNESS OF SIN--Harold B. Lee, Decisions for Successful Living, p. 88
Let me impress upon you that one never can hold quite the same relation to a law of God which he has transgressed, as if one has lived in conformity with its requirements...He may and will be forgiven if he repents; the blood of Christ will make him free, and will wash him clean though 'his sins be as scarlet;' but all this will not return to him any loss sustained, nor place him on an equal footing with his neighbor who has kept the commandments of a better law. Nor will it place him in a position where he would have been, had he not committed wrong.  He has lost something which can never be regained, notwithstanding the perfection, the loving mercy, the kindness and forgiveness of the Lord God.  (Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, p. 374)  Many...beautiful human butterflies winged for heavenly flight have fallen with wings singed and badly seared because of their curiosity about the forbidden.  The more I see of life, the more I am convinced that we must impress you young people with the awfulness of sin rather than to content ourselves with merely teaching the way of repentance. 
2 Ne, 28:7-8 EAT, DRINK, & BE MERRY Dallin H. Oaks (BYU Fireside, 8-5-90)
"The idea that one is better off after one has sinned and repented is a devilish lie of the adversary. Does anyone here think that it is better to learn first-hand that a certain blow will break a bone, or a certain mixture of chemicals will explode and sear off our skin? Are we better off after we have sustained and then been healed from such injuries? I believe we all can see that it is better to heed the warnings of wise persons who know the effects on our bodies . . . [as well as our spirits]."


2 Ne. 28:19-22 THE CAREFUL CHAINS OF SATAN Ezra Taft Benson (A Nation Asleep, p. 44)
"We live in a day of slick, quiet, and clever sins."

Richard C. Edgley (Ensign, Nov. 1994, p. 40)
"Every transgression, regardless of how minor, makes us more susceptible to Satan's influence the next time he tempts us. Satan takes us an inch at a time, deceiving us as to the consequences of so-called minor sins until he captures us in major transgressions. Nephi describes this technique as one of pacifying, lulling, and flattering us away until Satan `grasps [us] with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance."'

2 Ne. 28:21,   24-25 ALL IS WELL IN ZION Spencer W Kimball (Miracle of Forgiveness, pp. 211-212)
"We have discussed elsewhere that other class of people who are basically unre­pentant because they are not doing the commandments. They are Church members who are steeped in lethargy. They neither drink nor commit the sexu­al sins. They do not gamble nor rob nor kill. They are good citizens and splen­did neighbors, but spiritually speaking they seem to be in a long, deep sleep. They are doing nothing seriously wrong except in their failures to do the right things to earn their exaltation."

2 Nephi 28:21, 24-25  Pres. Henry B. Eyring, Gen. Conference October 2009
Yet all is not perfect in Zion. Not all of the youth choose to prepare. That choice must be their own. They are responsible for themselves. That is the Lord’s way in His loving plan. But many young men have little or no support from those who could help as they prepare. Those of us who can help will be held accountable by the Lord. A father who neglects or interferes with a son’s development of faith or his ability to follow inspiration will someday know sorrow. That will be true for anyone placed in a position to help these young men choose wisely and well in their days in the preparatory priesthood.
2 Nephi 28:19-20 STIR THEM UP TO ANGER Pres. Monson Conference Oct. 2009, Priesthood Session
By the time they graduated and returned to their home state, they were expecting their first child and the husband had employment in his chosen field. The wife gave birth to a baby boy. Life was good.
When their son was about 18 months old, they decided to take a short vacation to visit family members who lived a few hundred miles away. This was at a time when car seats for children and seat belts for adults were scarcely heard of, let alone used. The three members of the family all rode in the front seat with the toddler in the middle.
Sometime during the trip, the husband and wife had a disagreement. After all these years, I cannot recall what caused it. But I do remember that their argument escalated and became so heated that they were eventually yelling at one another. Understandably, this caused their young son to begin crying, which the husband said only added to his anger. Losing total control of his temper, he picked up a toy the child had dropped on the seat and flung it in the direction of his wife.
He missed hitting his wife. Instead, the toy struck their son, with the result that he was brain damaged and would be handicapped for the rest of his life…To be angry is to yield to the influence of Satan. No one can make us angry. It is our choice. If we desire to have a proper spirit with us at all times, we must choose to refrain from becoming angry. I testify that such is possible.
Anger, Satan’s tool, is destructive in so many ways… My brethren, we are all susceptible to those feelings which, if left unchecked, can lead to anger. We experience displeasure or irritation or antagonism, and if we so choose, we lose our temper and become angry with others. Ironically, those others are often members of our own families—the people we really love the most.

2 Ne. 28:22  THE DEVIL WHISPERETH IN THEIR EARS James E. Faust (Ensign, Nov. 1987, p. 34)
"Some of Satan's most appealing lines are `Everyone does it'; `If it doesn't hurt anybody else, it's all right'; `If you feel all right about it, it's OK'; or `It's the in thing to do.' These subtle ...[whisperings] make Satan the ... master deceiver. . . . Nephi has given to us the pattern or formula by which Satan operates."

2 Nephi 28:21   LULL THEM AWAY   Thomas S. Monson, “Constant Truths for Changing Times,” Liahona, May 2005, 19–22
In this challenging world, the youth of the Church are the very best ever. The faith, the service, and the actions of our members are praiseworthy. We are a prayerful and faith-filled people, ever striving to be decent and honest. We take care of each other. We try to show love to our neighbors..However, lest we become complacent, may I quote from 2 Nephi in the Book of Mormon:“At that day shall [the devil] … lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the devil cheateth their souls.” Someone has said that our complacency tree has many branches, and each spring more buds come into bloom. We cannot afford to be complacent. We live in perilous times; the signs are all around us. We are acutely aware of the negative influences in our society that stalk traditional families. At times television and movies portray worldly and immoral heroes and heroines and attempt to hold up as role models some actors and actresses whose lives are anything but exemplary. Why should we follow a blind guide? Radios blare forth much denigrating music with blatant lyrics, dangerous invitations, and descriptions of almost every type of evil imaginable. We, as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, must stand up to the dangers which surround us and our families.

2 Nephi 28:26-29    WE NEED NO MORE OF THE WORD OF GOD, FOR WE HAVE ENOUGH James E. Faust (Ensign May 1980, 13)
“Does God love us less than those led by the ancient prophets? Do we need His guidance and instruction less? Reason suggests that this cannot be. Does He not care? Has He lost His voice? Has He gone on a permanent vacation? Does He sleep?” The unreasonableness of each of these proposals is self-evident.”
Spiritual Crocodiles: http://www.lds.org/media-library/video/2010-06-13-spiritual-crocodiles