Get to know me, You, & How to Seminary

Explanation: For the first couple of days my two schools will be 1 day off.  I will put the date for each school at the top of each post.  Please do the activity on the date listed for your school:  This activity should be completed by Ascent students on Aug 22 and by CJH students on Aug 23.

1) Ponder on the following questions:

Who is Bro. Hugh's favorite child?
What did Bro. Hugh do before he became a seminary teacher?
What is a trailer falls?

2) Bring a piece of paper filled out with the following information:

Side 1) A brief letter of introduction about yourself.  Include your name, any nicknames, things you like to do, what you are involved in in school, information about your health (if I need to know), your family, your feelings about the scriptures, the gospel, and life.  Etc. Please be as thorough (and legible) as you can be.
Side 2) List 2 truths and 1 lie about yourself.  We will play a little game with this throughout the first term so don't give away the answer on your paper (I want to play too) and make it something that will be as true in 2 or 3 weeks as it is today.

3) Read and review the Disclosure in preparation for a quick quiz.

4) Share Handshake Awareness with your family and friends so we can end this scourge that has decimated so many lives.

5) Read any scripture you can find.  Scripture=Good.