Matthew 10:37-39

Here's an activity and some quotes that will help you understand Matthew 10:37-39
Matthew 10:37–39

Read Matthew 10:37–38, looking for the sacrifices the Savior said we must be willing to make as His disciples. The phrase “worthy of me” in these verses means to be a worthy representative of the Lord and be deserving of His blessings.

• Why do you think it is necessary for disciples of Jesus Christ to love Him above all others—including their own family members?
The cross mentioned in verse 38 alludes to the physical cross Jesus Christ carried and was lifted upon to fulfill His Father’s will. Figuratively, Jesus Christ called upon His followers to likewise “take up [their] cross, and follow [Him]” (Matthew 16:24).

Read Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 16:26 (in Matthew 16:24, footnote e), and look for what it means for us to take up our cross and follow Jesus Christ.

Read Matthew 10:39, looking for principles Jesus Christ taught about sacrifice. The Joseph Smith Translation clarifies the beginning of this verse to read, “He who seeketh to save his life …” (see verse 39, footnote a). In this context, the phrase “save his life” means to live selfishly rather than seeking to serve God and His children.

• In what ways do you think people who focus on their own will and selfish desires will eventually “lose” their lives?
Based on what you read, complete the following principle:

If we seek to save our lives, then _____________________________________________________________.

Consider marking in verse 39 the promise that the Savior made to those who lose their lives for His sake. To lose our lives for His sake is more than being willing to die for Him. It means to be willing to give of ourselves each day to serve Him and the people around us.

• What do you think it means that we will find our lives as we lose them for His sake?
Based on what you read, complete the following principle:

If we lose our lives for the sake of Jesus Christ, then _________________________________________________________.

Read the following statement by President Thomas S. Monson and then discuss your answers to the questions  that follow with a family member or friend.

President Thomas S. Monson
“I believe the Savior is telling us that unless we lose ourselves in service to others, there is little purpose to our own lives. Those who live only for themselves eventually shrivel up and figuratively lose their lives, while those who lose themselves in service to others grow and flourish—and in effect save their lives” (“What Have I Done for Someone Today?” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2009, 85).

• Who do you know who has chosen to lose his or her life for the sake of Jesus Christ? What effect has this decision had on this person?