Succession in the Presidency

In order to prepare for class on Wed, May 1, the recommended reading is from Saints Chapter 45.  Click here to read this chapter.  

1) How would you have felt having just lost your prophet and leader, Joseph Smith?
2) How would you have known who to follow?

Mark your reading in the app when you are done or online at

Additional reading to enhance your study:

I promise you that if you will read the words of that writing which we call scripture, there will come into your heart an understanding and a warmth that will be pleasing to experience. 'Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.' (John 5:39) read… the Gospel of John… Let the Lord speak for himself to you, and his words will come with a quiet conviction that will make the words of his critics meaningless. Read also the testament of the New World, the Book of Mormon, brought forth as a witness 'that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nations. (Book of Mormon Title Page) (CR, Apr. 1966, 87) Gordon B. Hinckley

Mosiah 25:14-24

Saints Chapter 45