D&C 132:1-2, 34-66

Reading for class on Monday, April 22: D&C 132:1-2, 34-66

Why might the Lord have allowed the early Saints to practice plural marriage?

Mark your reading in the app when you are done or online at https://myseminary.lds.org/

Additional reading to enhance your study:

SCRIPTURE STUDY HELPS US DEVELOP A TESTIMONY OF THE SAVIOR: “I have a great love for the scriptures. I love reading about the mortal life of Jesus Christ. There is so much in His life that can lift and inspire and strengthen us in our times of need… In the choices we make in life, we need to know the Savior. His simple admonition 'Come … follow me' could transform human existence if we would let it. He has the power to make our burdens light if we will turn to Him. As an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have the opportunity to bear testimony as a sacred witness of the Savior. My greatest desire is that my testimony might penetrate the hearts of those who hear it.” (Elder Robert D. Hales, “Special Witnesses of Christ”, Ensign, Apr. 2001, starts on p. 4)

Jacob 2:27-30