End of Term Wrap Up

3 Things You Must do to Receive credit for 2nd term.

1) Complete the assigned reading: D&C 30-75 

and mark it (this can be done by parents or students) in the LDS Seminary and Institute mobile app AVAILABLE FOR: AndroidApple or on https://myseminary.lds.org/

2) Complete the attendance requirement (75% or higher with no unexcused absences). 

You can review your attendance and your parents can excuse absences in the LDS Seminary and Institute mobile app AVAILABLE FOR: AndroidApple or on https://myseminary.lds.org/
You can also view makeup and follow the instructions in the app to complete the makeup if needed.

3) Pass the Learning Assessment with 75% or higher.  

Please see Bro. Hugh if you need to take or retake the test.  You can view your score in the LDS Seminary and Institute mobile app AVAILABLE FOR: AndroidApple or on https://myseminary.lds.org/