Welcome to Seminary!

First Week Survival Guide: Step By Step!

As you start your first year in seminary, there are a lot of resources and tools that can help you be successful.  Please go through this step by step process (there are required elements for both parents and students) to familiarize yourself with these resources and to complete your registration and "sign" your disclosure electronically.  There is a short checklist at the end to make sure you didn't miss any critical steps.

Step 1: Click here to read the disclosure and discuss it with your parents.  

You will find instruction below for how to sign and have your parents sign the disclosure electronically.  The disclosure will always be available as a separate page on this blog (look in right column on a computer or at the bottom of the page on a mobile device)

Step 2: Get an LDS Account. You can skip this step if you AND your parents already have one and know how to login. Note: Never use someone else's LDS account.  You can and should have your own.

To Register for your own LDS account, go to:

  • Even if you already have an account, you might want to login and verify your account information. 
  • If you have forgotten your username or password, follow the links on the screen to recover them.
  • If you don't have an account (or can't remember if you have an account), click on "Register for an LDS Account" at the bottom of the screen.  Select "Register as a Member" (Only select "Register as a Friend" if you are not a member of the Church).  You will need your membership number (available on your temple recommend, in your parents' LDS tools, or from your seminary teacher) and your birthdate.

Step 3: Parents and Students must "Sign" your disclosure electronically by doing one of the following (these are listed in order of ease and preference.)

Option A: Download the LDS Seminary and Institute app on every smart device you own and login with your LDS account information. (THIS IS FOR BOTH STUDENTS AND PARENTS)

STUDENTS: This is the other reason smart devices were invented.  This app will allow you to mark your reading, check your class progress and attendance.  

Please explore and become familiar with this app and esp. how to mark your required reading.  I will know you have done this when you have checked the "Disclosure: Student Signature" entry in the reading section.

  • Please make sure you enter your email and mobile number information as well.  This will allow you to get class reminders and updates.

PARENTS: This will be of great value to you as well and you can do some things your students cannot.  For example, you can mark their reading (if they forget or don't have access) AND you can excuse absences right in the app.  No need to make a phone call or send one of those pesky emails. You can monitor student progress, check learning assessment scores, see if they are marking their reading, register them for seminary etc.
  • When you first login as a parent, you will see that your student(s) are registered or you will be given the opportunity to register them.  Please do this.  It is required for EVERY STUDENT. Even if you have already registered, please tap on the profile section and make sure all the information is correct in the family contact area. Please carefully verify phone numbers and email addresses.  Please don't just assume they are correct. Check for errors and correct them so that we will be able to contact you.
  • Finally, (and this is the most important step because it is how I will verify that you read and "signed" the disclosure) go to the reading section and check the entry called "Disclosure: Parent Signature".

BOTH students and parents are invited to use this app on a regular basis to mark reading, check and update attendance, update contact information, etc.  
Students will be asked to report their reading through this app on a daily basis.

If you want to explore other Church produced apps, CLICK HERE

Option B: Go to myseminary.lds.org  and bookmark this site.  

You can do everything on this website that you can do in the app (Please follow ALL the instructions from Option 1 above).  Make sure all your students are registered, make sure addresses, emails, phone numbers and other information is correct.

Legend for the icons you see above from left to right: 
Home icon: takes you to the overview page
Book with Light icon: Allows you to complete their registration
Grad cap icon: Progress toward graduation or work needed to graduate
Circle i icon: Family contact information.  You can update your email, phone, address, etc.

Basically, this a great site to use, but the app is more convenient.  Use this site, if you don't have a device that uses apps.  Please follow all the instructions explained under option A to mark reading and esp. to "sign" the disclosure electonically.

Only Students can mark "Disclosure: Student Signature"
Only Parents can mark "Disclosure: Parent Signature"

Remember this option is only available in the "Reading page"

Please use this site often to update attendance and mark reading.  If students can't get the app, they will mark their reading on this site every day.

Step 4: Download Gospel Library on every smart device you own and login with your LDS account information(Parents, your student may need some assistance with this)

This app is what makes smart devices smart.  It IS the reason they were invented.  If you use a device in class, it will be to use this app and not much else.

Download the app by following this link: https://www.lds.org/pages/mobileapps/gospellibrary?lang=eng

Once you have it downloaded, login with your LDS account info immediately so that you don't lose any of your notes.  To login, go to settings (usually a little gear icon on Apple or 3 dots on Android) and you should see a place to enter your login information.  If you have any trouble with this step, get help from parents or your seminary teacher.  DON'T WAIT to do this! You will lose your markings if you do.

Step 5: Bookmark this site (http://treasureuptruth.blogspot.com) and refer to it often.  Sign up to receive emails.

This is how I will keep you up-to-date on reading assignment and class events.  Every day there will be a link to learning activities that will make your seminary experience more powerful and meaningful and invite the Spirit into your life and into your scripture study.  They will prepare you for each class and help us have an amazing experience together. (Oh yah, and they are part of your grade).

I invite both parents and students to sign up to receive emails (it's simple, just enter your email at the top of this page and submit, then verify your email and you are in).  You will never get more than one email per day. It's critical for students and allows parents to be aware of what we are studying in class so you can discuss it at home or use it for family scripture study...whatever you want to do.

Step 6: Go to the  LDS Scripture Power website, bookmark it, and start exploring.  

This is the actual site that houses the learning activities we will use and it is an awesome resource for personal and family scripture study as well as lesson prep.  You can also follow this site on instagram @ldscripturepower.

Step 7: Help your student learn how to "mirror" their device.  (Optional)

We can do some cool things with our phones & devices in class and teach each other how to use our electronic scriptures more effectively we know how to do this.  On Apple devices it's called AirPlay mirroring and is pretty simple to find.  Most Android devices are simple and work great too but students need to know how to find the mirroring function.  You might spend a few minutes together learning how your student's phone works.  I found that searching for "cast" or "screen casting" or "screen mirroring" will usually help you find it.  A quick internet search specific to your phone should help you figure it out. If you could help them at home, it will save us some time in class.

CHECKLIST: Don't miss a critical step!

1) Do you AND your parents have an LDS account?
2) Are you logged in to the Gospel Library app and the LDS Seminary & Institute app?
3) Are you registered?  (Your parents must do this part in the LDS Seminary and institute app, on myseminary.lds.org, or on paper).
3) Is your contact information (student and parent) accurate in the app, online, or on paper? (any one of these options will do)
4) Have your read this disclosure? Did you electronically "Sign" the disclosure by checking the appropriate box in the reading section of the app or on myseminary.lds.org.  Parents, please don't sign for students.  Students, please don't sign for parents.
5) If you wish to use electronic scriptures in class, have you read the talk by Bro. Ridd, discussed it with your parents, and  "signed" online or in the app to agree to use them appropriately? Make sure your parents agree and sign too.
6) Do you know how to mirror/cast/display your device?  

Thanks! Please use this as a resource going forward and feel free to ask lots of questions. We are going to have a great year together.
Bro. Hugh