Moroni 7:20-48

Reading Assignment for Monday, May 21: Moroni 7:20-48

Learning Activities:


Moroni recorded the conclusion of the sermon that his father, Mormon, had delivered in a synagogue years earlier. In the sermon, Mormon taught his listeners how to “lay hold upon every good thing” (Moroni 7:20, 25). He explained the relationship between faith, hope, and charity, and concluded with a plea to his people to “pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart” for the gift of charity, “the pure love of Christ” (Moroni 7:47, 48).

2) As you read these verses, look for what Mormon taught about how we can “lay hold upon every good thing” and become children of Christ.

3) What does this chapter teach about faith, hope, and charity?

Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:

“Three divine principles form a foundation upon which we can build the structure of our lives. … Together they give us a base of support like the legs of a three-legged stool” (M. Russell Ballard, “The Joy of Hope Fulfilled,” Ensign, Nov. 1992, 33).

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the First Presidency:

“Hope is a gift of the Spirit [see Moroni 8:26]. …

“Hope is not knowledge [see Romans 8:24], but rather the abiding trust that the Lord will fulfill His promise to us. It is confidence that if we live according to God’s laws and the words of His prophets now, we will receive desired blessings in the future [see D&C 59:23]. It is believing and expecting that our prayers will be answered. It is manifest in confidence, optimism, enthusiasm, and patient perseverance” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “The Infinite Power of Hope,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2008, 21, 22).

4) Charity

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:

“[Charity] is shown perfectly and purely in Christ’s unfailing, ultimate, and atoning love for us. … It is Christ’s love for us that ‘beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.’ It is as demonstrated in Christ that ‘charity never faileth.’ It is that charity—his pure love for us—without which we would be nothing, hopeless, of all men and women most miserable. Truly, those found possessed of the blessings of his love at the last day—the Atonement, the Resurrection, eternal life, eternal promise—surely it shall be well with them” (Jeffrey R. Holland, Christ and the New Covenant: The Messianic Message of the Book of Mormon [1997], 336).

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Moroni 7:29–31. The ministry of angels

Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles described the ministry of angels:

“‘The word “angel” is used in the scriptures for any heavenly being bearing God’s message’ (George Q. Cannon, Gospel Truth, sel. Jerreld L. Newquist [1987], 54). The scriptures recite numerous instances where an angel appeared personally. Angelic appearances to Zacharias and Mary (see Luke 1) and to King Benjamin [see Mosiah 3:2] are only a few examples. …

“… The ministering of angels can also be unseen. Angelic messages can be delivered by a voice or merely by thoughts or feelings communicated to the mind. President John Taylor described ‘the action of the angels, or messengers of God, upon our minds, so that the heart can conceive … revelations from the eternal world’ (Gospel Kingdom, sel. G. Homer Durham [1987], 31). …

“… Most angelic communications are felt or heard rather than seen” (Dallin H. Oaks, “The Aaronic Priesthood and the Sacrament,” Ensign, Nov. 1998, 38–39).

Moroni 7:45–48. Charity, “the pure love of Christ”

President Thomas S. Monson taught about the need for the gift of charity:

“There is a serious need for the charity that gives attention to those who are unnoticed, hope to those who are discouraged, aid to those who are afflicted. True charity is love in action. The need for charity is everywhere. …

“Charity is having patience with someone who has let us down. It is resisting the impulse to become offended easily. It is accepting weaknesses and shortcomings. It is accepting people as they truly are. It is looking beyond physical appearances to attributes that will not dim through time. It is resisting the impulse to categorize others. …

“… Life is perfect for none of us. Rather than being judgmental and critical of each other, may we have the pure love of Christ for our fellow travelers in this journey through life. …

“… May [charity] guide you in everything you do. May it permeate your very souls and find expression in all your thoughts and actions” (Thomas S. Monson, “Charity Never Faileth,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 124, 125).

Moroni 7:45–48. “The greater definition of ‘the pure love of Christ’”

Referring to Mormon’s words in Moroni 7:45–48, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught:

“It is instructive to note that the charity, or ‘the pure love of Christ,’ we are to cherish can be interpreted two ways. One of its meanings is the kind of merciful, forgiving love Christ’s disciples should have one for another. That is, all Christians should try to love as the Savior loved, showing pure, redeeming compassion for all. Unfortunately, few, if any, mortals have been entirely successful in this endeavor, but it is an invitation that all should try to meet.

“The greater definition of ‘the pure love of Christ,’ however, is not what we as Christians try but largely fail to demonstrate toward others but rather what Christ totally succeeded in demonstrating toward us. True charity has been known only once. It is shown perfectly and purely in Christ’s unfailing, ultimate, and atoning love for us. It is Christ’s love for us that ‘suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not.’ It is his love for us that is not ‘puffed up … , not easily provoked, thinketh no evil.’ It is Christ’s love for us that ‘beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.’ It is as demonstrated in Christ that ‘charity never faileth.’ It is that charity—his pure love for us—without which we would be nothing, hopeless, of all men and women most miserable. Truly, those found possessed of the blessings of his love at the last day—the Atonement, the Resurrection, eternal life, eternal promise—surely it shall be well with them.

“This does not in any way minimize the commandment that we are to try to acquire this kind of love for one another. We should ‘pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that [we] may be filled with this love’ [1 Corinthians 13:4–5, 7–8; Moroni 7:48]. We should try to be more constant and unfailing, more longsuffering and kind, less envious and puffed up in our relationships with others. As Christ lived so should we live, and as Christ loved so should we love. But the ‘pure love of Christ’ Mormon spoke of is precisely that—Christ’s love. With that divine gift, that redeeming bestowal, we have everything; without it we have nothing and ultimately are nothing, except in the end ‘devils [and] angels to a devil’ [2 Nephi 9:9].

“Life has its share of fears and failures. Sometimes things fall short. Sometimes people fail us, or economies or businesses or governments fail us. But one thing in time or eternity does not fail us—the pure love of Christ. …

“… The miracle of Christ’s charity both saves and changes us. His atoning love saves us from death and hell as well as from carnal, sensual, and devilish behavior. That redeeming love also transforms the soul, lifting it above fallen standards to something far more noble, far more holy. Wherefore, we must ‘cleave unto charity’—Christ’s pure love of us and our determined effort toward pure love of him and all others—for without it we are nothing, and our plan for eternal happiness is utterly wasted. Without the redeeming love of Christ in our lives, all other qualities—even virtuous qualities and exemplary good works—fall short of salvation and joy” (Jeffrey R. Holland, Christ and the New Covenant: The Messianic Message of the Book of Mormon [1997], 336–37).

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