3 Nephi 18

Learning Activities:

3 Nephi 18:15, 20–21 is a doctrinal mastery passage. You may want to mark doctrinal mastery passages in a distinctive way so you can locate them easily.  As you read these verses, think about why they were chosen.

Read this story, then read 3 Nephi 18 and ponder why we need to take the sacrament EVERY WEEK:
Elder Gerald N. Lund, who served as a member of the Seventy. (Tell the student that the name Czenkusch is pronounced “CHEN-kush.”) Encourage the class to imagine what it might have been like to be the mountain climber mentioned by Elder Lund.
Elder Gerald N. Lund
“Some time ago there was an interesting article about mountain climbing in a medical magazine. …
“The article was about a man named Czenkusch who runs a climbing school. … Czenkusch was describing to the interviewer the belay system in mountain climbing. This is the system by which climbers protect themselves from falls. One climber gets in a safe position and secures the rope for the other climber, usually around his or her own body. ‘You’re on belay,’ means, ‘I’ve got you. If something happens, I will stop you from falling.’ It is an important part of mountain climbing. Now note what followed next in the article: ‘Belaying has brought Czenkusch his best and worst moments in climbing. Czenkusch once fell from a high precipice, yanking out three mechanical supports and pulling his belayer off a ledge. He was stopped, upside down, 10 feet from the ground when his spread-eagled belayer [Don] arrested the fall with the strength of his outstretched arms. “Don saved my life,” says Czenkusch. “How do you respond to a guy like that? Give him a used climbing rope for a Christmas present? No, you remember him. You always remember him”’ [Eric G. Anderson, “The Vertical Wilderness,” Private Practice, Nov. 1979, 21; italics added]” (Gerald N. Lund, “The Grace and Mercy of Jesus Christ,” in Jesus Christ: Son of God, Savior, ed. Paul H. Peterson, Gary L. Hatch, and Laura D. Card [2002], 48).

Watch this video and write down what you will do to make the sacrament more meaningful to you this month:  Always Remember Him