3 Nephi 6-10

Reading Assignment for Class on Thur. March 22: 3 Nephi 6-10

Learning Activities:

1) Introduction

Following their miraculous deliverance from the Gadianton robbers, the Nephites and Lamanites enjoyed peace for three years. Pride, class distinctions, and persecutions then arose and led to great wickedness and the eventual overthrow of the Nephite government. The signs of Jesus Christ’s death in Jerusalem included great destructions that destroyed many Nephite cities, killing the wicked inhabitants. Darkness covered the land for three days. Amidst the darkness, the voice of the Savior invited the people to return to Him. When the darkness dispersed, the peoples’ mourning turned to joy and praise of Jesus Christ.

2) As you read in 3 Nephi 5, the Nephites repented and diligently served God and were divinely delivered from the Gadianton robbers. The Nephites then prospered for a short time. However, pride quickly entered the hearts of many, which caused divisions within the Church. Prophets were sent forth to preach against the wickedness of the people, but the judges took them and put them to death secretly (see 3 Nephi 6:4–23). Within approximately six years, the people yielded “themselves unto the power of Satan” (3 Nephi 7:5) and became so wicked that they fought against all righteousness. Secret combinations destroyed the government of the land and caused the people to be divided into tribes.

Despite the wickedness of the people, Nephi continued to testify against their sins and call them to repentance (see 3 Nephi 7:15–20). Read 3 Nephi 7:21–22, and mark a few examples of how the people were blessed for following Nephi. From these verses we learn that if we will repent and follow the Lord’s servants, we will enjoy the influence of the Holy Ghost in our lives.

3) Imagine the day when the Second Coming of Jesus Christ arrives. How do you think you might feel when that time comes? In a similar way, the Nephites had long been waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ.  As you read 3 Nephi 8-10, imagine you are there...what would it have felt like?  What thoughts and emotions would you have had?  Fear? Joy? Love? Sorrow? Relief?  

Want More?

3 Nephi 9:13–14

Elder C. Scott Grow of the Seventy testified that the Savior invites all of us to come unto Him and be healed:

“Jesus Christ is the Great Healer of our souls. With the exception of sins of perdition, there is no sin or transgression, pain or sorrow, which is outside the healing power of His Atonement.

“When we sin, Satan tells us we are lost. In contrast, our Redeemer offers redemption to all—no matter what we have done wrong—even to you and to me” (“The Miracle of the Atonement,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2011, 109).

3 Nephi 9:19-20

Read the following statement by Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and mark the words that he used to define “broken heart” and “contrite spirit”:

“In ancient times when people wanted to worship the Lord and seek His blessings, they often brought a gift. … As you seek the blessings of conversion, you can offer the Lord the gift of your broken, or repentant, heart and your contrite, or obedient, spirit. In reality, it is the gift of yourself—what you are and what you are becoming.

“Is there something in you or in your life that is impure or unworthy? When you get rid of it, that is a gift to the Savior. Is there a good habit or quality that is lacking in your life? When you adopt it and make it part of your character, you are giving a gift to the Lord” (“When Thou Art Converted,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2004, 12).