3 Nephi 1

Reading Assignment: 3 Nephi 1

Learning Activities:

1) Introduction

Before departing out of the land, the prophet Nephi (the son of Helaman) passed the records to his oldest son, Nephi. The unbelievers plotted to put the faithful to death if the prophecies concerning the birth of Jesus Christ were not fulfilled by a certain day. As Nephi pleaded with the Lord on behalf of the believers, the voice of the Lord came to him and declared that the sign of His birth would be given that night. In fulfillment of the prophecy of Samuel the Lamanite, when the sun set there was no darkness and a new star appeared. Despite Satan’s continued attempts to destroy the faith of the people, “the more part of the people did believe, and were converted unto the Lord” (3 Nephi 1:22).
2)Putting Yourself in the Position of Those Who Wrote the Scriptures
Brigham Young once asked: “Do you read the Scriptures … as though you stood in the place of the men who wrote them? … It is your privilege to do so, that you may be as familiar with the spirit and meaning of the written word of God as you are with your daily walk and conversation” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church:Brigham Young [1997], 119).

As you read 3 Nephi 1, imagine you are there.  What would you be feeling?  What thoughts would you have?  What would you want to witness first hand? Why?

3) Samuel the Lamanites prophecies.  How were they fulfilled?
Samuel the Lamanite’s Prophecies
1st prophecy (Helaman 14:3–4):
2nd prophecy (Helaman 14:5):
3rd prophecy (Helaman 14:6):
4th prophecy (Helaman 14:7):

4) Read 3 Nephi 1:22 then read this quote from Bishop Edgley and ponder what it means for you?  How can it help you in difficult times?

“Because of the conflicts and challenges we face in today’s world, I wish to suggest a single choice—a choice of peace and protection and a choice that is appropriate for all. That choice is faith. Be aware that faith is not a free gift given without thought, desire, or effort. … The Savior said, ‘Come unto me’ (Matthew 11:28) and ‘Knock, and it shall be [given] you’ (Matthew 7:7). These are action verbs—come, knock. They are choices. So I say, choose faith. Choose faith over doubt, choose faith over fear, choose faith over the unknown and the unseen, and choose faith over pessimism. …

“… When logic, reason, or personal intellect come into conflict with sacred teachings and doctrine, or conflicting messages assault your beliefs … choose to not cast the seed [of faith] out of your heart by unbelief. Remember, we receive not a witness until after the trial of our faith (see Ether 12:6)” (“Faith—the Choice Is Yours,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 31–33).