Alma 43-46

Reading Assignment for Class on Thurs. Feb. 22: Alma 43-46

WARNING: The chapters come fast and furious for the next few days.  You will need to make your own plan to keep up.  Here is the lesson schedule for the next week

Wed: Alma 41-42
Thur: Alma 43-46
Fri: Alma 47-48
Monday: Alma 49-55
Tuesday: Alma 56-58
Wed:Alma 59-63

Learning Activities for Alma 43-46:

1) What lessons can these chapter teach us about war and when it is okay to go to war?
Pres. Packer taught: “When I was 18 years old, I was inducted into the military. While I had no reason to wonder about it before, I became very concerned if it was right for me to go to war. In time, I found my answer in the Book of Mormon” (Boyd K. Packer, “The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ—Plain and Precious Things,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2005, 7).
2) What is the Title of Liberty?  What did it mean to them?  What can it mean to us?
3) What should we do to defend our liberties?
Elder Hales taught: “First, we can become informed. Be aware of issues in your community that could have an impact on religious liberty.
“Second, in your individual capacity, join with others who share our commitment to religious freedom. Work side by side to protect religious freedom.
“Third, live your life to be a good example of what you believe—in word and deed. How we live our religion is far more important than what we may say about our religion” (Robert D. Hales, “Preserving Agency, Protecting Religious Freedom,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2015, 113).

Want More?

This video will help you understand the story or Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty

Captain Moroni

Captain Moroni
(Alma 43–48) A grandfather uses Captain Moroni as an example of a true hero for his grandson. Moroni’s faith and loyalty to the Savior provide an example that all Saints should follow. Segment 1, Captain Moroni.