2 Nephi 4 Bonus: Nephi's weapons in the War Against Depression

MAKE A LIST in your scriptures:
These can be found in 2 Nephi 4:14-16, 19-25, 26-35

  1. Write the things of your soul (keep a journal) (verse 15)
  2. Read the Scriptures and take delight in them
  3. Ponder the scriptures so they can be for our profit and learning
  4. Remember that your trust is in God (he never fails)
  5. God has been his support in the past (remember)
  6. God led me in the past.
  7. God preserved me in the past.
  8. I have been filled with God's love.
  9. God confounded my enemies in the past.
  10. He's heard my prayer in the past
  11. He's given me direction.
  12. Prayer gave me strength
  13. Angel round about
  14. The Spirit has shown me great things.
  15. Received revelation
  16. Vs. 26 resolved to change and to improve
  17. Vs 28 use power phrases "Awake, my soul!" "no longer droop in sin" "Rejoice!" "Give place no more for the enemy of my soul" "I don't have time for depression, I've got too much to do"
  18. Vs 30 pray and praise God
  19. Pray for power over sin (make me to shake at the appearance of sin)
  20. Vs. 32 pray specifically for help with the weaknesses you have (close gates of hell, ask for guidance)
  21. Vs. 32 broken heart and contrite spirit
  22. Vs 33 ask God to show you the way out
  23. Vs 34 make covenants with God and place your trust in Him
  24. Vs. 35 bear testimony
  25. Lean on "the rock"