1 Ne 12-13 Nephi's Vision continued

Reading Assignment: 1 Nephi 12-13
Points to Ponder:

  1. What is the great and abominable Church?
  2. What does Nephi learn about the future of his people?
  3. What is one of the purposes of the Book of Mormon according to these chapters?
  4. What Plain and Precious things have been removed from the Bible?

What does the great and abominable Church represent?
Elder Bruce R. McConkie

“The titles church of the devil and great and abominable church are used to identify all … organizations of whatever name or nature—whether political, philosophical, educational, economic, social, fraternal, civic, or religious—which are designed to take men on a course that leads away from God and his laws and thus from salvation in the kingdom of God” (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed. [1966], 137–38).

Want More?
Check out this article from Book of Mormon Central
Were Plain and Precious Doctrines Lost?