A.S.K. Part 2 (8/31)

Doctrinal Mastery is all about learning to Acquire Spiritual Knowledge (ASK).  We do this best by following the Savior's counsel to:

Ask and ye shall receive
Seek and ye shall find
Knock and it shall be opened unto you.  See (3 Nephi 14:7)

In preparation for tomorrow's lesson, please read these sections in the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document under Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge
1) Act in Faith 
2)Examine Concepts and Questions with an Eternal Perspective 
3) Seek Further Understanding through Divinely Appointed Sources.  

You can CLICK HERE TO LINK TO IT ONLINE or follow this path in your Gospel Library on your phone/tablet and then bookmark it so you can find it quickly in class tomorrow.
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As you read, you will come across the following scriptures that I would invite you to read, mark, and ponder in preparation for our class:

Pres. Uchtdorf: “As you exercise your faith, applying gospel principles every day under any circumstances, you will taste the sweet fruits of the gospel, and by this fruit you will know of its truth” (CES Fireside 11/1/2009)

Elder Christofferson: “I prayed for some miraculous intervention to deliver us. Although I offered that prayer many times with great sincerity and earnest desire, the answer in the end was no. Finally, I learned to pray as the Savior did: ‘Nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done’ (Luke 22:42). I sought the Lord’s help with each tiny step along the way to a final resolution.… More than once I fell down before my Heavenly Father, begging in tears for His help. And He did help. Sometimes it was nothing more than a sense of peace, a feeling of assurance that things would work out. … “Though I suffered then, I am grateful now that there was not a quick solution to my problem. “The fact that I was forced to turn to God for help almost daily over an extended period of years taught me how to truly pray and get answers to prayer and taught me in a practical way to have faith in God. I came to know my Savior and my Heavenly Father in a way and to a degree that might not have happened otherwise or that might have taken me much longer. … I learned to trust in the Lord with all my heart. I learned to walk with Him day by day.”

Elder Oaks: “On many important subjects our assumptions [or beliefs] … are different from [those of] many of our friends and associates. They are also different from many assumptions currently used in the media. … For example, because Latter-day Saints know our Heavenly Father’s plan for His children, we know that this mortal life is not a one-act play sandwiched between an unknowable past and an uncertain future. This life is like the second act in a three-act play. Its purpose is defined by what is revealed about our spiritual existence in act 1 and our eternal destiny in act 3. Because of our knowledge of this plan and other truths that God has revealed, we start with different assumptions than those who do not share our knowledge. As a result, we reach different conclusions on many important subjects that others judge only in terms of their opinions about mortal life. I suggest that it may be preferable for our young people to refrain from arguing with their associates. … They will often be better off to respond by identifying the worldly premises or assumptions in the assertions they face and then by identifying the different assumptions or premises that guide the thinking of Latter-day Saints” (Evening with a General Authority, Feb 8, 2013)

Elder Ballard: “James did not say, ‘If any of you lack wisdom, let him Google!’” (Evening with a General Authority, Feb 26, 2016)