ACTS 16 What do we have to do to be guided to those who are ready to receive the Gospel?
Elder Dallin H. Oaks
“We must pray for
the Lord’s help and directions so we can be instruments in His hands for one
who is now ready—one He would have us help today. Then, we must be alert to
hear and heed the promptings of His Spirit in how we proceed.
“Those promptings
will come. We know from countless personal testimonies that in His own way and
His own time the Lord is preparing persons to accept His gospel. Such persons
are searching, and when we are seeking to identify them the Lord will answer their
prayers through answering ours. He will prompt and guide those who desire and
who sincerely seek guidance in how, where, when, and with whom to share His
gospel” (“Sharing the Gospel,” Ensign, Nov. 2001, 8).