Mark 4-6 Strength to Overcome Peer Pressure

1. Mark 5:23 “Lay thy hands on her…and she shall live.”

Whatever Jesus lays his hands upon lives.  If Jesus lays his hand upon a marriage, it lives.  If he is allowed to lay his hands on the family, it lives….He will lift and raise every man to a new and better life who will permit the Savior to take him by the hand.” (Pres. Hunter, Oct. 1979)

2. Mark 5:36 “Be not afraid, only believe”Challenges, difficulties, questions, doubts—these are part of our mortality. But we are not alone. As disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have enormous spiritual reservoirs of light and truth available to us. Fear and faith cannot coexist in our hearts at the same time. In our days of difficulty, we choose the road of faith. Jesus said, “Be not afraid, only believe.” (Elder Andersen, Oct. 2008)
3. “Individuals who do wrong want you to join them because they feel more comfortable in what they are doing when others do it also.” (Elder Scott, Oct. 1994)