Seminary Day 3-Get to Know Me

WOTLP: "Knowing someone's name can make a difference" Elder Neil Andersen

As you read the following, ponder this question: "why is it so important that we take the time to get to know and care about each other?"

1) 3 Nephi 17:11-22
2) Matthew 19:13-15
3) Elder Andersen April 2016 General Conference:
President Thomas S. Monson has said: “Help God’s children understand what is genuine and important in this life. Help them develop the strength to choose paths that will keep them safely on the way to eternal life."...

My friend Max was baptized when he was eight years old. His father was not a member of any church, and Max could go to church or not go.  As a teenager, after not attending for several months, Max had the feeling that he needed to go back to church and determined one Sunday morning that he would return. But his resolve weakened as he approached the front door of the church; his stomach tightened. There, standing at the door, was the new bishop. Max didn’t know him, and he felt sure the bishop didn’t know Max. As Max approached, the bishop’s face lit up, and he put his hand out and said, “Max, it’s so good to see you!” “As he spoke those words,” Max said, “a warm feeling came over me and I knew I had done the right thing.” Knowing someone’s name can make a difference.