
Showing posts from 2016

NT Reading Assignments 12/26-1/1

John 13 Service=Happiness

John 12 I Am the Light of the World

NT Reading Assignements 12/19-12/25

John 11 I am the Resurrection and the Life

Doctrinal Mastery: The Restoration

John 9:3

NT Reading Assignments 12/12-12/18

John 7:17 If any man will do his will

Treasured Up Truths from John

John 6 I am the Bread of Life

John 5 Search the Scriptures

John 4 Living Water

NT Reading Assignments 12/5-12/11

John 2 Don't desecrate the Temple


Luke 24 Did not our hearts burn within us?

Luke 23 "Father, forgive them"

Luke 22 Gethsemane

NT Reading Assignments 11/28-12/4

Doctrinal Mastery: Repentance and the Atonement

Happy Thanksgiving!

NT Reading Assignments 11/21-11/27

Luke 17 "But where are the nine?"

Luke 16

Luke 15 Recovering the Lost

Luke 14:26-27

Keep your eye single to his Glory

Great principles from last week

Luke 10:38-40 Mary and Martha

NT Reading Assignments 11/14-11/20

Luke 10:30-35 The Good Samaritan

Atonement Quotations

I'm Offended!!! Luke 9:51-56

Luke 7 The Greatest Miracle

Luke 6:22