D&C 135

Reading for class on Monday & Tuesday, April 29-30: D&C 135 (The Martyrdom)

What is the importance of the mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith?

Mark your reading in the app when you are done or online at https://myseminary.lds.org/

Additional reading to enhance your study:

SCRIPTURE STUDY PROVIDES A CALMING INFLUENCE AMIDST THE TURMOILS OF LIFE - Deep spiritual impressions come to us as we read the scriptures. Those impressions come long before we have read them all. The reading of the scriptures, whether from beginning to end, or following a subject from book to book, brings a tempering, soothing feeling to us, even in the midst of the turmoils of life. (Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, December 1985, p. 53

2 Nephi 3:6-15