The Restoration Part 1

Reading for class on Friday 11/30: DM Core Document: The Restoration

Click here to read about the Restoration in the Core Document.  Review and mark paragraphs 4.1-4.11. Read, study, mark as Doctrinal Mastery passages,  JSH 1:15-20 & D&C 135:3.


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Additional reading to enhance your study:

 PAY THE PRICE--It has been my experience in life that most of my gospel teachers didn’t prepare me quite for the effort that the prize takes…I have tasted sweetness in the scriptures, but it never came easily. I know that the price of getting that sweet taste of the scriptures is tremendous effort. You better teach me that it takes effort.” Henry B. Eyring, “Improving Teaching”, March 1983

Testimony of Joseph Smith paragraphs 1-6