Alma 19-20

Reading Assignment for class on Jan. 25: Alma 19-20

Learning Activities:

Ponder the following:
1) Think of the ripples that form on water when you toss a rock into a pond.  In these chapters, who is the rock thrown in the water?  Who is affected by the ripples caused by the rock? Who can you help today and start a "ripple effect"?
2) Who is Abish?  What did she do?  What impresses you about her?  How can you be more like Abish?
3) Watch this video and pay attention to promptings you receive as you watch it.

Priesthood Duty: Preaching the Gospel

Priesthood Duty: Preaching the Gospel 

Want More?

Check out this cool story:
“A while ago my bishop and priests quorum adviser challenged our quorum to give away two copies of the Book of Mormon within a year. I took the challenge to heart and always had a Book of Mormon on me (in the car, in my backpack, etc.). Several people accepted copies, but nobody really showed any further interest.
“Then one day in June, I was filling up my car with gasoline after work and saw a coworker buying cigarettes. Because of his smoking and his rough personality, I never thought about sharing the gospel with him. He came over to talk to me, and we talked about music and movies. When I explained that I don’t watch movies with vulgarity, violence, or immorality, the topic changed to religion. I grabbed the Book of Mormon from the backseat of my car, wrote my testimony inside the cover, and gave it to him.
“The next time I worked with him, I asked if he had read any of it. He said, ‘Jeff, I read the introduction, and I know it’s true. I want to know more and be baptized.’
“That really shocked me. I gave the missionaries his address so that they could teach him, and I took him to church with me. He loved it. He set a date for his baptism.
“Before his baptism, he told me that he had been offered a really good job, but he had to act immediately. It was in Alaska, and he was leaving in two days. So we found the address of the meetinghouse in town, and then he left.
“Over the next few months we kept in touch, but he made no progress toward baptism. Then one day he called and told me he had contacted the missionaries and was going to be baptized that Saturday.
“Now he holds the Aaronic Priesthood and has blessed the sacrament several times.
“This goes to show that you never know who will accept the gospel, so share it with everyone, and God will provide a way” (Jeffrey Olson, “Invite All to Come unto Christ: You Never Know,” New Era, Sept 2011, AP14).
or this one from Elder Koelliker:
“Two young missionaries knocked on a door, hoping to find someone to receive their message. The door opened, and a rather large man greeted them in a less-than-friendly voice: ‘I thought I told you not to knock on my door again. I warned you before that if you ever came back, it would not be a pleasant experience. Now leave me alone.’ He quickly closed the door.
“As the elders walked away, the older, more experienced missionary put his arm on the younger missionary’s shoulder to comfort and encourage him. Unknown to them, the man watched them through the window to be sure they understood his message. He fully expected to see them laugh and make light of his curt response to their attempted visit. However, as he witnessed the expression of kindness between the two missionaries, his heart was instantly softened. He reopened the door and asked the missionaries to come back and share their message with him.
“… This principle of having love one to another and developing our ability to be Christ-centered in how we think, speak, and act is fundamental in becoming disciples of Christ” (Paul E. Koelliker, “He Truly Loves Us,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2012, 17).