General Conference!

"I encourage you to read the talks once again and to ponder the messages contained therein. I have found in my own life that I gain even more from these inspired sermons when I study them in greater depth." — President Thomas S. Monson

General Conference starts today.  Don't forget that there are 5 general sessions in the next 2 days:

  1. Saturday Morning 10 AM-12 PM
  2. Saturday Afternoon 2-4 PM
  3. General Priesthood Session 6-8 PM
  4. Sunday Morning 10 AM-12 PM
  5. Sunday Afternoon 2-4 PM
There are many ways you can enjoy conference. The easiest is to watch it on TV:
  1. KSL  Channel 5 or BYUTV will show the 4 general conference sessions LIVE. Priesthood session can also be viewed on BYUTV Live at 6 PM.
  2. KYBU Channel 11.1 will broadcast a repeat of conference 2 hours later (for example, the 10 AM session on Saturday will be broadcast at 12 PM)
  3. The general priesthood session will be broadcast at your local stake center.
If you can't watch on TV, there are many other options.
  1. Listen to conference on the radio KSL 1160 AM/102.7 FM will broadcast conference live.  
  2. The Church also provides the following resources after conference:
Text Availability

Gospel Library App (3 days) (3 days)
Ensign Magazine (4 weeks)
Liahona Magazine (4 weeks)
Audio Availability
Gospel Library App (3 days) (1 day)
Mormon Channel iTunes (2 days)
Audio CDs (6 weeks)
Video Availability
Gospel Library App (3 days) (1 day)
General Conference YouTube (1 day)
Mormon Channel iTunes (2 days)
DVDs (6 weeks)
Please remember to listen to conference in preparation for our conference review on Tuesday, Oct. 3.  You have each taken an assignment for conference.  

General Conference Worksheet: Listening for Answers (Due Oct 6)

26943_000_014 At the start of general conference a few years ago, President Gordon B. Hinckley promised several blessings to those who listen to conference: “I invite you to listen, listen if you will by the power of the Spirit, to the speakers who will address you today and tomorrow as well as this evening. If you will do so, I do not hesitate to promise that you will be uplifted, your resolution to do what is right will be stronger, you will find solutions to your problems and your needs, and you will be led to thank the Lord for what you have heard” (“Listen by the Power of the Spirit,” Ensign, Nov. 1996, 4).     UAdd a Note 
Put the prophet’s promise to the test by completing this general conference worksheet.

Pre-conference Checklist 

q  I have thought and prayed about questions I have, and I will listen for answers during conference.
q  I have prayed for the general conference speakers.
q  I will get a good night’s sleep so I can stay awake and attentive during conference.
q  I have a notebook and pen ready so I can take notes during conference.

What I Learned during General Conference

The talk(s) that meant the most to me during the Saturday sessions of conference was/were by______________ ____________________________________________________. I enjoyed the talk(s) because_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The talk(s) that meant the most to me during the Sunday sessions of conference was/were by_______________ ____________________________________________________. I enjoyed the talk(s) because____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The prophet counseled Church members to: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The specific counsel given to the youth of the Church:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The answers I received from listening and pondering during general conference are:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The main themes of general conference were:__________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________
 Some inspired One-Liners I heard were: _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
After listening to general conference, I want to become better in the following ways, or I was prompted to do the following: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(I would encourage you to take you full notes in a journal and then pick the highlights to write on this sheet) PLEASE WRITE YOUR FAVORITE QUOTES FROM CONFERENCE ON THIS SHEET OR TURN THEM IN TO ME SEPARATELY SO I CAN USE THEM FOR OUR WOTLP.
1.     Our conference review will take place on Tuesday, Oct 3. You are invited to DRESS UP and come prepared with your assignment below to share with the class.
2.      Make sure you signed up for an assignment. You may want to write it below so you don’t forget
Session: _____________________________ Assignment (e.g., talk, musical number): CIRCLE IT BELOW
a.       Doctrinal Mastery Talk:  Listen to the entire session you signed up for and identify ONE TALK that teaches ONE of the DOCTRINAL MASTER TOPICS (The Atonement, Commandments, Godhead, Priesthood & Priesthood Keys, The Plan of Salvation, Prophets & Revelation, the Restoration, Covenants & Ordinances, Marriage & Family, Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge).  Once you have identified the talk, study it carefully and come prepared to teach what you learned about that doctrine from the talk.  Use quotes, stories, and your own thoughts and impressions from the talk.  Be prepared to take about 1-2 minutes to share what you learned.
b.      2 Minute Talk:  For this one choose your favorite talk from your session.  Listen carefully to that talk.  You may even want to listen to it again on the internet (  Take notes on what you hear.  Then prepare a 1-2 minute talk on the same subject using things the speaker says, your scriptures, and insights from your own life.  Convince us that this should be our favorite talk and teach us what we should do because of what we heard.
c.       Testimony: Pick some thoughts, doctrines, or truths you heard from your session or a topic that was discussed that helped to strengthen your testimony and then share what you heard along with your testimony of that part of the gospel.  This should take about 1 minute.
d.      Scripture: As you listen to conference you will hear many scriptures shared.  Pay very close attention to the scriptures or scripture stories that really hit home for you.  Select 1-2 of these scriptures.  Read the scripture to us and tell us 1) WHO shared it in conference, 2) WHY you liked the verse, 3) WHAT you learned about it from the speaker, 4) BEAR your testimony.  Listen very carefully for doctrinal mastery verses that are quoted and share which ones you heard. This should take about 1 minute.
e.       Musical Number:  Please make sure your musical number invites the spirit.  You can play any instrument or sing or make music in some other way.  Please listen to the session you signed up for and ponder what you hear.  Perhaps you will be able to find a connection between what you hear in conference and the song you have chosen to play/sing for us.  If so, please share that with us as an introduction to your music.  Remember, music is a great way to share your testimony, you are welcome to share your testimony with words too as you introduce your song.
f.        Inspired One-Liners: These are phrases that are short (usually only one sentence or part of a sentence) but powerful or humorous or both.  The words express an idea that is much bigger than the words themselves and can teach or remind you of an entire talk, lesson, or principle. Listen carefully during your session for some of these one-liners.  Write them down and share one or two with us BUT NOT JUST THE PHRASE, tell us what the BIGGER MEANING IS FOR YOU and how that phrase has or will help you in the future.  You only need to take about 1 minute for this one.
g.      Favorite Story:  Listen carefully for STORIES shared during your session.  Pick your favorite STORY.  Come prepared to RETELL THE STORY IN YOUR OWN WORDS, tell us 1) WHY you liked this story, 2) WHAT you learned from it, 3) HOW this story applies to your life, and 4) HOW it can make a difference in ours.